Ankarana National Park

Ankarana National Park

Best Time to Visit

Dec-Mar, Jun-Oct




English, Swahili

Ankarana National Park is a unique and diverse wildlife reserve located in northern Madagascar. The park covers an area of about 18,230 hectares and is home to a wide variety of species, including several that are found only in Madagascar. One of the park’s most notable features is its rich primate life, with several species of lemurs, including the ring-tailed lemur and the sportive lemur, found within its boundaries. In addition to lemurs, visitors to the park can also observe a variety of other primates, such as the Sanford’s lemur and the northern sportive lemur.

Ankarana National Park is also home to a diverse array of bird species, including the Madagascar hoopoe, the Madagascar wagtail, and the Madagascar cuckoo. These birds are found in the park’s forests, savannas, and wetlands and provide important pollination services and seed dispersal for the park’s vegetation. In addition to birds, the park is home to several species of reptiles, such as chameleons and geckos, and several species of frogs and insects.

Another unique feature of Ankarana National Park is its massive limestone formations, including cliffs, caves, and sinkholes. These formations provide important habitats for a variety of species, including bats, reptiles, and insects. Some of the caves in the park are used by bats for roosting, and visitors can observe these fascinating creatures up close. The Tsingy formations, which are massive, razor-sharp limestone formations that rise out of the forest floor, are another notable feature of the park. These formations provide important habitats for a variety of species and offer visitors a unique and exciting landscape to explore.

Visitors to Ankarana National Park can participate in a variety of activities, including wildlife viewing, bird-watching, hiking, and cave exploration. The park offers several well-marked trails that lead through its diverse habitats and provide opportunities for visitors to observe its wildlife and vegetation up close. In addition, visitors can join guided tours of the park’s caves to learn about their geology and the species that live within them.

In conclusion, Ankarana National Park is a unique and fascinating destination for anyone interested in wildlife and nature. With its diverse habitats, rich biodiversity, and unique geology, the park offers visitors the opportunity to observe a wide variety of species in their natural habitats and to experience the beauty and diversity of Madagascar’s wildlife. Whether you’re a seasoned wildlife enthusiast or just starting out, a visit to Ankarana National Park is sure to be a memorable and rewarding experience.

Ankarana National Park is a protected area in northern Madagascar, known for its diverse wildlife and unique geology. The park covers an area of 18,230 hectares and is home to several species of lemurs, including the ring-tailed lemur and the sportive lemur. Visitors to the park can also observe a variety of bird species, such as the Madagascar hoopoe and the Madagascar wagtail. The park is famous for its massive limestone formations, including cliffs, caves, and sinkholes, which provide important habitats for a variety of species, including bats, reptiles, and insects. Visitors can participate in activities such as wildlife viewing, bird-watching, hiking, and cave exploration, and join guided tours to learn about the park’s geology and species. A visit to Ankarana National Park offers a unique and exciting opportunity to observe Madagascar’s diverse wildlife and unique landscapes.


Ankarana National Park offers several well-marked hiking trails that lead through its diverse habitats and provide opportunities for visitors to experience its unique landscapes and wildlife. The trails range from easy to challenging and offer a variety of experiences, from exploring dense forests and savannas to traversing massive limestone formations. Visitors can take guided hikes with knowledgeable park staff to learn about the park’s geology, vegetation, and wildlife, or they can explore on their own, using the park’s well-marked trails and maps. Hiking in Ankarana National Park is an excellent way to experience the beauty and diversity of Madagascar’s natural wonders and to observe its fascinating wildlife in its natural habitats. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just starting out, a visit to Ankarana National Park is sure to be an unforgettable experience.


Ankarana National Park is a bird-watcher’s paradise, with a diverse array of bird species found within its boundaries. The park’s forests, savannas, and wetlands provide important habitats for several species of birds, including the Madagascar hoopoe, the Madagascar wagtail, and the Madagascar cuckoo. Bird-watching in Ankarana National Park is a unique and rewarding experience, providing visitors with opportunities to observe these fascinating species in their natural habitats. Visitors can take guided birding tours with knowledgeable park staff to learn about the park’s birdlife and to observe these species up close. Whether you’re an avid bird-watcher or just starting out, a visit to Ankarana National Park is sure to be an enjoyable and educational experience.

Night Walk

Ankarana National Park offers visitors the opportunity to explore its diverse habitats and observe its fascinating wildlife during a night walk. Guided night walks are available, led by knowledgeable park staff who provide visitors with the opportunity to observe nocturnal species such as lemurs, bats, reptiles, and insects. Night walks offer a unique perspective on the park’s wildlife, as well as its unique geology, with its massive limestone formations providing important habitats for a variety of species. During a night walk, visitors can experience the park’s landscapes and wildlife in a completely different way, with the sounds and sights of the night providing a truly unforgettable experience. Whether you’re a seasoned wildlife observer or just starting out, a night walk in Ankarana National Park is a must-do experience.

Cultural Activity

Ankarana National Park offers visitors the opportunity to learn about the local culture and customs of the Antakarana people who live in the surrounding areas. Guided cultural tours are available, led by knowledgeable park staff who provide visitors with an understanding of the Antakarana people’s way of life, including their traditions, customs, and beliefs. Visitors can participate in cultural activities such as traditional dances, visits to local villages, and demonstrations of local crafts, including basket weaving and pottery making. A cultural tour in Ankarana National Park provides visitors with a unique and fascinating look into the lives of the Antakarana people and their rich cultural heritage. Whether you’re interested in learning about different cultures or just want to experience something new and different, a cultural tour in Ankarana National Park is a must-do experience.

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